miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Fodey sample and steps

I have chosen this tool because it is a very easy way of creating newspapers online. With this tool you can make newspapers easily only in a few seconds. Here is my sample:

 How to do this? Follow the steps bellow.
Step 1
Go to this site

Step 2
Insert the name of the newspaper by typing it on the Name of the newspaper box. Here is the sample: 

Step 3
Now you are going to insert the date on the date box. Here is the sample:

Step 4
Now insert the headline of the newspaper report. Here is the sample:

Step 5
Now it’s time to write. Write your report on the Enter your story box. Here is the sample:

Step 6
Once you have written the report click on the Generate! Buttom and your report will apper on the screen. Here is the sample:

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